• The monster the characters face: a DFC card **Action** • The characters make a critical mistake: a noncreature card • The first to die: choose one of the three characters • How the monster kills the first character: a noncreature card • The hero: choose one of the two remaining characters • Describe the monster's weakness/secret/motivation and how the hero discovered it: a noncreature card of creature/planeswalker card **Resolution** • Confronting the monster: a noncreature card • The lone survivor: choose one of the two characters • Ending: Create this yourself! How did the second character die? Did the monster survive? Was it all worth it? TO WIN: After the story's been told, assign the following awards by popular vote to players: Scariest, Funniest, and Most Exciting. Feel free to invent your own awards as well. In the case of a tied vote for the winner of an award, randomly determine its winner.